Andy Jamieson

Advisr founder and CEO, building Advisr to help SMEs find and connect with an insurance broker they can trust. Advisr is now the fastest-growing website for insurance brokers in Australia. 

Also founded AdvisrME the agent marketing platform that powers Advisr, and other large agent-led businesses to better utilise their team members to become their key digital distribution channels. AdvisrME is an agent management platform that mobilises your whole agent network online.

Started his career at eBay and did the first advertising deal between Google and eBay Australia. 

Moved to Fairfax and was responsible for customer acquisition across (Cars), (Jobs) and (Realestate) classified sites. 

Leaving Fairfax Andy founded & exited Switched On (digital agency to WPP). Achieving over $40m of B2B sales and built a team of 40 in 5 years. Clients included: CBA, AMEX, FlexiGroup, Westfield, Spotify, Vodafone, Canon, & more

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